Tax and Estate Planning that suits your needs

Carol assists clients in articulating, quantifying, and prioritizing their financial goals. In addition to more than 30 years of tax accounting experience with individuals and businesses, she incorporates knowledge of securities and insurance issues in developing strategies for clients to identify and achieve optimal financial results. Whether creatively developing a model to effectively reduce a taxable estate or to maximize retirement years, Carol possesses both the detailed knowledge and the ability to assist clients in their decision making process and plan for the future.
With a strong background in personal and business taxation, Carol is known and respected for her collaborative, creative, and forward thinking approach to working with clients in the following areas of taxation:
. Individuals, including high net worth individuals and small business owners.
. Fiduciaries, including estates, trusts and gifts.
. Foundations and non-profits.
. Businesses, including corporations, partnerships, and limited liability companies.
Carol has a strong emphasis in estate management, and eldercare management and consulting. As an outgrowth of her personal caregiving experience, she is sensitive to concerns and challenges of those in the later years of life. She effectively assists individuals and families in organizing and managing their financial and estate affairs, anticipating for and coordinating with other professionals to see that the needs of each individual are being adequately met.
Executor Services
As an independent executor for an estate, Carol acts as a liaison for the family and heirs to ensure that the wishes of the decedent are fully met.
Eldercare Management and Consulting
As the consultant for a family or individual or acting as the financial manager for an elderly individual, Carol effectively coordinates, organizes, and manages the financial affairs of those in their later years of life. Carol coordinates with other professionals to provide a team to ensure that the needs of the client are met, and that they are able to maintain the highest quality of life possible taking in consideration their individual circumstances.
Trustee Services
As the independent trustee for a trust, Carol coordinates with other professionals to assist in managing assets and providing advice in an effort to provide the most benefit to the beneficiaries.